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安全工程学院简介及专业介绍-School of Safety Engineering and its Disciplines




安全工程学院人才培养方向与目标始终瞄准国家和社会需求,经过多年的打磨已经形成了自己明确的人才培养定位和鲜明的特色。学院毕业生受到社会广泛欢迎,一直保持良好的就业和升学记录。2017届毕业生就业率为99.3%,2018届为99.2%,2019届为99.19%,2020届为96.8%,2021届为98.26%,以2021届毕业生为例,16.52%的毕业生考取研究生,7.83%的毕业生考取公务员,73.91% 的毕业生进入事业单位、大型国有企业及非国有企业从事安全管理、卫生管理和应急管理工作。


人才培养目标 该专业培养掌握现代工业生产过程中系统的、全面的安全科学、安全工程技术、职业卫生工程、应急管理的基本理论、基础知识、基本技能,具备从事安全生产技术开发、安全生产管理、劳动保护、安全评价与咨询、职业卫生检测、安全生产教育培训、安全生产监管监察、事故应急与救援等工作的基本能力和素质,适应社会需要的复合型、应用型人才。

师资情况 经过数年的人才引进与培养,现已建立了一支教学科研团队,共有核心教师7名,教授3名,副教授2名。教学团队包括来自中国矿业大学、北京科技大学安全技术与工程专业的博士。

课程设置 专业核心课程:工程力学、电工学基础、流体力学、安全管理学、安全系统工程、安全人机工程学、工业通风与除尘、电气安全工程、机械安全工程、防火防爆技术、锅炉压力容器安全等。专业实验实践课程:安全人机工程学实验、化工仿真实验、职业卫生检测实验、个体防护实训等。

专业特色 安全工程专业2005年开始招生,专业特色体现在“劳动安全”方向。该专业深入培养学生掌握电气安全等安全技术,系统学习安全生产法律法规等知识,同时也学习一些职业病预防知识,旨在培养学生具备安全、卫生一体化复合型知识结构。


人才培养目标 该专业将把职业医学与职业卫生工程技术和职业卫生管理有机结合起来,在培养学生掌握职业医学基础知识及致病医学机理的基础上,重点培养学生掌握职业危害因素的辨识、检测与评价、职业危害工程控制与职业卫生管理方面的知识和能力。同时也掌握一定的安全工程专业基础知识,具备职业卫生与安全一体化复合知识结构。该专业与美国等国家的院校建立该专业的本硕联合培养项目,与国内多家科研院所设立实践基地。该专业学生将在我国“源头预防”职业病领域占据先机,并将可能成为该领域的领军者。

师资情况 职业卫生教学团队包括来自北京大学医学部、协和医科大学预防医学博士,同时也包括留学美国哈佛大学的工业卫生博士。该专业共有核心教师8名,副教授5名,其中6名教师具有博士学位,占教师总数的75%。

课程设置 该专业课程类别包括职业医学、职业危害检测与评价、职业卫生工程技术、职业卫生管理及安全基础知识等。职业医学类课程包括毒理学、流行病学、卫生统计学等课程。职业危害检测与评价类课程包括职业危害检测技术、职业卫生与职业危害风险评价。职业危害工程技术类课程包括工业通风与除尘、工业防毒技术、噪声与振动控制、辐射检测与防护、个体防护技术、工效学等课程。职业卫生管理类课程包括职业卫生法律法规、职业安全卫生管理体系。此外,基于安全卫生一体化考虑,该专业学生还将开设安全基础课程,如包含电气安全、机械安全、防火防爆技术等内容的工业安全技术。

专业特色 该专业属于“特色专业”。保护劳动者的“职业健康(Occupational Health)”可采用“职业卫生(Occupational Hygiene)”与“职业医学(Occupational Medicine)”两类手段。国际上“职业卫生”是指通过工程及管理手段从源头上控制或消除危害因素,是职业病一级预防;而职业医学是通过医学手段对劳动者进行职业健康监护和康复治疗,是职业病的二级和三级预防。此次设立的“职业卫生工程”专业其人才培养内容和目标与医学院校的“职业卫生”人才培养有着本质区别,同时,只有该专业培养的人才才能从源头和根本上解决我国职业病预防问题。长期以来,我国高校只设立了职业医学相关专业,没有职业卫生人才培养相关专业。教育部首次批准中国劳动关系学院设置这一专业填补了我国这一领域的人才培养空白。


人才培养目标 该专业通过对学生进行专业理论、技术与方法的训练,培养适应社会需要,具有良好人文素养、应急管理理念、团队合作意识、创新精神,掌握自然科学基础理论、应急理论、技术与管理知识,能够在公共安全、建筑、化工、消防、安防等行业和领域,从事应急技术与管理方面的研究与开发、分析与设计、管理与评价、检测与监控、教育与培训、应急救援与事故处理等工作,并能解决实践中应急技术与管理问题的高素质、复合型、应用型专门人才。

师资情况 该专业共有核心教师7名,教授2名,副教授3名,7名教师均具有博士学位,5名教师属“双师”型教师。

课程设置 该专业核心课程包括:应急管理学、应急法律法规、应急救援装备、应急物流管理、应急处置与救援、工业企业防火技术、安全防范系统设计、消防燃烧学、建筑防火设计、电气防火技术、建筑灭火设施、安全管理学、安全人机工程学、工业安全技术、建筑施工安全、石油化工安全、城市与社区安全技术、安全评价、安全经济学、安全防范系统施工与管理、工会与应急管理。

  专业特色 该专业的前身安全工程专业(公共安全管理方向)是国内最早开设公共安全与应急管理类专业或方向的三家高校之一,且是唯一依托安全工程专业的高校,工管结合,学科基础扎实。经过不断实践与调整,现在该专业定位是以安全工程专业和职业卫生工程专业为依托,以公共安全管理为引领,以应急管理为核心,以消防和安防为技术支撑的符合新时代应急工作的专业人才培养。

School of Safety Engineering and its Disciplines

It can be dated back to the 1950s for CULR to cultivate occupational safety and health talents. It carried out labor protection training for labor union cadres nationwide under the guidance of the labor protection experts from the former Soviet Union.

The School of Safety Engineering focuses on the internationalized education and conducts exchanges and cooperation with the universities and research institutes in the United States and Chinese Taiwan. In 2018, CULR signed a "3.5Y + 1.5Y undergraduate/postgraduate education agreement" with State University of New York at Binghamton. After completing the three-and-a-half-year study in CULR and one-and-a-half-year study in Binghamton University, the students will receive the CULR's bachelor degree and Binghamton's master degree, and may further pursue a doctoral degree at the university.

The School of Safety Engineering attaches great importance to laboratory building and practical teaching. It offers 13 labs specialized in chemical hazard testing, physical hazard testing, safety man-machine engineering, fire and explosion prevention, individual protection, safety information, etc. In addition, the school has set up the industry-academy-research cooperation bases with a number of research institutes and schools such as National Center for Occupational Safety and Health, NHC, Institute of Urban Safety and Environmental Science, Beijing Academy of Science and Technology, the Beijing Prevention and Treatment Hospital of Occupational Disease for Chemical Industry, and the metalworking practice base of Beijing Jiaotong University. In August 2019, the physical and chemical testing center of CULR obtained the China Metrology Accreditation (CMA) qualification, serving as a good platform for social service and industry-academy-research cooperation.

The school always targets at the national and social needs. Through years of arduous efforts, the school has developed clear orientation and distinctive characteristics of talent cultivation. Its graduates are widely welcomed by the society with a good record of employment and school enrollment. From 2017 to 2021, the annual employment rates of graduates reported 99.3%, 99.2%, 99.19%, 96.8% and 98.26% respectively. Taking the 2021 graduates for example, 16.52% of them pursued postgraduate study, 7.83% were admitted as public servants, and 73.91% worked at the posts of safety management, health management and emergency management in government-sponsored institutions, large state-owned enterprises and other enterprises.

1. Safety Engineering

Talent cultivation objectives: The Discipline aims to cultivate the interdisciplinary applied talents that systematically and holistically grasp the basic theories, knowledge and skills of safety science, safety engineering technology, occupational health engineering and emergency management in the modern industrial production process, and have the required capabilities and quality of safety production technology development, safety production management, labor protection, safety evaluation and consultancy, occupational health testing, safety production education and training, safety production supervision and surveillance, accident emergency response and rescue in accordance with the needs of the society.

Faculty: Thanks to years of talents recruitment and cultivation, the school has formed a teaching and research team consisting of 7 core teachers that include 3 professors and 2 associate professors. The team members include PhD holders from the safety technology and engineering majors of China University of Mining and Technology and University of Science and Technology Beijing.

Curriculum setting: The professional core courses include engineering mechanics, fundamentals of electrical engineering, fluid dynamics, safety management, safety system engineering, safety man-machine engineering, industrial ventilation and dedusting, electrical safety engineering, mechanical safety engineering, technologies of fire and explosion prevention, safety of boilers and pressure vessels, etc. The professional experimental and practical courses include experiment of safety man-machine engineering, experiment of chemical simulation, experiment of occupational health testing, practice of individual protection, etc.

Discipline characteristics: The Department of Safety Engineering started to recruit students in the direction of labor safety since 2005. The students learn to grasp the safety technologies like electrical safety, systematically study the safety production laws and regulations and some knowledge of occupational disease prevention, and develop a comprehensive knowledge structure combining safety and health knowledge.

2. Occupational health engineering

Talent cultivation objectives: The discipline well combines occupational medicine and occupational health engineering technology and occupational health management. On the basis of the fundamental knowledge of occupational medicine and pathogenic medicine mechanism, it focuses on the cultivation of students' knowledge and abilities of identification, testing and evaluation of occupational hazardous factors, occupational hazard engineering control and occupational health management. In addition, the students learn certain professional knowledge of safety engineering and develop a compound knowledge structure combining occupational health and safety. The Department cooperates with foreign institutes and schools to provide a joint undergraduate/postgraduate program and with domestic science research institutes to establish practice bases. By taking a lead in the "source prevention" of occupational diseases in China, the students will probably become the frontrunners in this sector.

Faculty: The teaching team of occupational health consists of the doctors of preventive medicine from Peking University Health Science Center and Peking Union Medical College, and the doctor of industrial health of Harvard University. The team has 8 core teachers including 5 associate professors, and 6 of them have PhD degrees, accounting for 75% of the total faculty.

Curriculum setting: The main curriculum includes occupational medicine, occupational hazard testing and evaluation, occupational health engineering technology, occupational health management and fundamental safety knowledge. The occupational medicine courses include toxicology, epidemiology, health statistics, etc. The occupational hazard testing and evaluation courses include occupational hazard testing technology, occupational health and occupational hazard risk evaluation. The occupational health engineering technology courses include industrial ventilation and dedusting, industrial anti-toxin technology, noise and vibration control, radiation testing and protection, individual protection technology, ergonomics, etc. The occupational health management courses include occupational health laws and regulations and occupational safety and health management system. With respect to the safety-health integration, the discipline additionally provides courses on fundamental safety knowledge such as the industrial safety technologies concerning electrical safety, mechanical safety, fire and explosion prevention technology, etc.

Discipline characteristics: This is a "characteristic discipline”. Protecting the "occupational health" of workers can be divided into occupational hygiene and occupational medicine. As international customary practice, occupational hygiene refers to the control or elimination of hazardous factors from the source by engineering or managerial means, which is the primary prevention of occupational diseases. Occupational medicine refers to the occupational health monitoring and rehabilitation of workers by medical means, which is the secondary and tertiary prevention of occupational diseases. CULR's occupational health engineering program has an essential difference from the occupational health program of medical schools in terms of the content and objectives of talent cultivation. Only CULR's graduates are able to solve the issue of occupational disease prevention in a source- and root-based manner. For a long time, China's higher education only provided occupational medicine programs with no occupational health education. The MOE, for the first time, approved CULR to set up the discipline to fill in the gap of occupational health talent cultivation in China.

3. Emergency technology and management

Talent cultivation objectives: Through training of professional theory, technology and methodology, the students are adaptive to the needs of society and have good humanistic literacy, consciousness of emergency management, awareness of teamwork and spirit of innovation. With fundamental theory of natural science and theory, technology and knowledge of emergency management, they will be engaged in the research and development, analysis and design, management and evaluation, testing and monitoring, education and training, emergency rescue and accident disposal in the sectors of public safety, architecture, chemistry, fire prevention and safety prevention, which are high-quality, interdisciplinary and applied professionals capable of solving the emergency technological and managerial issues in practice.

Faculty: The Department has 7 core teachers including 2 professors and 3 associate professors. All of them have PhD degrees and 5 of them are "double-qualified teachers".

Curriculum setting: The major courses include emergency management, emergency laws and regulations, emergency rescue equipment, emergency logistics management, emergency disposal and rescue, fire prevention technologies for industrial enterprises, design of safety prevention system, combustion fundamentals of fire prevention, fire prevention design of buildings, electrical fire prevention technology, fire extinguishing facilities of buildings, safety management, safety man-machine engineering, industrial safety technology, engineering safety of buildings, petroleum chemistry safety, city and community safety technology, safety assessment, safety economics, engineering and management of safety prevention system, labor union and emergency management, etc.

Discipline characteristics: It was formerly the safety engineering discipline (direction of public safety management). CULR is among the first three Chinese universities to set up public safety and emergency management discipline or direction, and the unique university relying on safety engineering education with combination of engineering and management and a solid discipline foundation. Through constant practice and adjustment, the discipline now relies on safety engineering and occupational health engineering and is led by public safety management, centered on emergency management and supported by fire prevention and safety prevention technologies, so as to cultivate professional talents in line with the emergency work requirements in the new era.