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文化传播学院简介及专业介绍-School of Cultural Popularization and its Disciplines


多年来,学院师生在教学、科研工作中取得了不俗成绩。2007年文化传播实验教学中心获“北京市高校实验教学示范中心”称号;2008年文化传播创新人才培养教学团队获“北京市优秀教学团队”称号;2012年学院“复合型文化传播创新人才培养模式的建构与实践”教改专项,获北京市高校第七届教育教学成果二等奖;2015年4月视频课“语言的力量”获教育部国家级精品课程“中国大学精品视频公开课”;2020年11月“演讲”入选首批国家级 一流本科课程;截止2022年初,学院教师共获国家社科基金15项, 教育部人文社科基金9项,北京市社科基金4项(含1项重大项目),北京市教改3项,全总重点课题3项,科研项目在全校名列前茅。




人才培养目标 中国语言文学系汉语言文学专业,培养学生具备扎实的汉语言文学基础,良好的人文素养,熟悉汉语及中国和世界文学的基础知识和基本理论,具有较强文字表达能力和审美能力,具备初步的语言文学研究能力。立足厚基础、宽口径、重实践,文化与传播互相支撑,技能与素养并重,以培养高素质、复合型、应用型人才为目标,学生毕业后能适应党政机关、企事业单位、出版传媒机构、教育及科研机构、工会等群众社团组织工作。

师资情况 中文系具有能充分保障优质教学的师资条件,专职教师12位,其中教授2位,副教授5位,讲师5位;具有博士学位的教师10人,占比83%。另有外聘教师4位。

课程设置 汉语言文学专业开设现代汉语、古代汉语、语言学概论、中国古代文学、中国现代文学、中国当代文学、外国文学、文体写作、文学理论等专业核 心课程;同时把《诗经》、《楚辞》、唐诗、宋词、《红楼梦》等20余部经典作品的精读作为专业任选课;开设元典导读、社会科学方法总论等通识课程及书法、演讲、诗词格律与创作、摄像与编辑等多门实践课程。

专业特色 中国语言文学历史悠久,具有深厚文化底蕴。它以古今中外优秀文学作品和文学现象为出发点,文史哲三位一体,研究文学的发生发展规律和理论建构。中文系与学院新闻学、戏剧影视文学两个系互相渗透、互为支撑,形成了既有经典传统学科底蕴、又能适应当代社会需要的注重文化传播功能的学科复合特色。



人才培养目标 新闻传播学系新闻学专业定位于培养具备人文与社会科学素养、高度职业精神和扎实专业技能。毕业生应该具有正确的价值观、强烈的社会责任感、科学的思维方法、厚实的人文社科基础知识、宽阔的国际视野和精湛的新闻传播技能,可在各类媒体从事新闻实务,也可在党政机关、企事业单位从事信息传播工作。

师资情况 新闻传播学系现有11名专任教师,毕业于中国人民大学、中国传媒大学等知名新闻传播院系。其中教授2人、副教授4人,9人具有博士学位,占比82%。多人有在中央电视台、《光明日报》、《北京青年报》等主流媒体工作经历;多人有在美国斯坦福大学、莱斯大学、密歇根大学、英国西敏寺大学以及台湾政治大学、香港城市大学等知名学府的访学经历。

课程设置 新闻学专业设中外新闻传播史、新闻学概论、传播学概论,新闻采访、新闻写作、新闻编辑、新闻评论,新闻摄影、摄像与编辑、广播电视新闻学、纪录片创作、媒介经营与管理、网络传播实务、广告学、公共关系、新闻法规与伦理等专业主干课程,及舆论学、传播社会学、演讲、美学等专业特色课程。

专业特色 新闻传播学科基于未来新闻业务以融媒体为核心的趋势判断,积极构建旨在培养媒介融合与数字传播的思维理念、技术能力的专业课程和实践教学体系。以“宽口径、厚基础、多技能”的教学理念,培育“有文化的传播者、为传播的文化人”,联合《工人日报》、工人出版社、中工网、中国网、人民网等媒体,及学校所属中国职工音像出版社、文化传播实验教学中心、中国职工舆情研究所等,积极探索产学研一体化的专业特色有效发展路径。



人才培养目标 戏剧与影视学系戏剧影视文学专业,培养掌握戏剧影视文学专业基础知识与基本理论,具备戏剧、影视、新媒体影像作品的剧本创作及基本编导、制作能力的复合型、应用型人才。毕业生可在电视台、影视公司、新媒体平台等文化传播机构及党政机关、企事业单位、各级各类工会的文化宣传部门,从事戏剧、影视及新媒体影像产品的剧本创作、创意策划、编导、制作等工作,亦可从事相关领域的教学研究工作。

师资情况 戏剧与影视学系现有专职教师16人,以中青年教师为主,分别毕业于中央戏剧学院、北京电影学院、北京师范大学、中国传媒大学、中国艺术研究院、中央音乐学院、白俄罗斯音乐学院、首都师范大学等知名学府,专业背景涵盖中国语言文学、戏剧与影视学、艺术学理论、音乐与舞蹈学、美术学、新闻传播学等多个一级学科。其中,13位教师具有博士学位,占比81%,骨干教师均为高级职称或博士学位获得者,多位教师有戏剧、影视、新媒体等行业从业经验。以该专业教师为核心成员的“中国劳动关系学院文化传播创新人才培养团队”系“北京市优秀教学团队”。

课程设置 戏剧影视文学专业坚持戏剧与影视并重的教学思路,以掌握戏剧、影视剧本创作理论为专业基础,以熟练影视拍摄制作技能为专业实践,以培养具备戏剧、影视及新媒体行业的剧本创作及编导能力的复合应用型专业人才为目标,不断整合优化课程体系。该专业核心课程有:戏剧概论、经典戏剧名作导读、影视概论、中国电影史、外国电影史、视听语言、影片分析、戏剧剧本写作、电影短片剧本写作、电影剧本写作、电视剧本写作、电影短片创作、剧情片创作、影视改编理论与实践。

  专业特色 戏剧影视文学专业,以培养契合戏剧影视产业、网络视频行业所需的“宽通型”应用人才作为目标,注重专业实践教学及实操技能训练。具体而言,以“宽口径、厚基础、多技能”为基本要求,将编剧的文学素养、剧本创作能力与编导的实践技能有机结合,培养既能胜任戏剧、影视、 新媒体影像产品的剧本创作、文案策划工作,又具备初步编导和制作影视作品能力的应用型人才。

School of Cultural Popularization and its Disciplines

Formerly CULR's culture teaching and research office of department of basic courses established in 1982, the Department of Cultural Popularization (SCC) is now headed by Gu Shengying and has 3 undergraduate departments, i.e. Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Department of Journalism and Communication, and Department of Drama, Film and Television, 1 liberal arts education center (operated by SCC and affiliated to CULR), 1 culture and communication experiment and teaching center (operated by SCC and affiliated to CULR) and 2 research institutes, i.e. Research Institute of Chinese Workers' Public Opinions (operated by SCC and affiliated to CULR) and Research Institute of Chinese Culture and Communication.

Through years of hard efforts, SCC has gained remarkable achievements in teaching and research: The Culture and Communication Experiment and Teaching Center won the title of "Beijing Experiment and Teaching Demonstrative Center of University" in 2007. The teaching team of culture and communication innovation talents won the title of "Beijing Excellent Teaching Team" in 2008. SCC's education reform program "Creation and Practice of Interdisciplinary Culture and Communication Innovation Talents Cultivation Model" won the second prize of the seventh Beijing University Education and Teaching Award in 2012. The video course "Power of Language" was rated by the MOE as the "Premium Open Video Courses of Chinese Universities" in the list of national top courses in April 2015. The course "Public Speech" was listed in the first batch of national first-class undergraduate courses in November 2020. Up to the early 2022, 15 SCC programs received the national social science fund, 9 programs received the MOE's fund for humanities and social science and 4 programs received Beijing's social science fund, including 1 key program. In addition, 3 programs were listed as Beijing's education reform programs while another 3 were listed as ACFTU's key research projects. SCC enjoys a leading position in CULR in terms of science research program.

SCC upholds the philosophy of "being a well-educated communicator and a professional doing communication well", and selects CCTV, wokercn.cn, Xinhuanet, Guangming Daily, Workers' Daily, China Workers Press, Department of Publicity and Education of ACFTU and the culture, publicity and education departments of many ultra-large enterprises and groups as the practice and drill bases, which have laid a solid foundation for building the new talent cultivation model of academy-research-industry-application combination, and developed a large number of interdisciplinary talents of culture and communication innovation in China's press media and culture production institutions and enterprises such as CCTV, People's Daily and Xinhuanet.


1. Chinese language and literature

Talent cultivation objectives: The Chinese language and literature discipline enables students to have a solid foundation of Chinese language and literature, good humanistic quality, familiarization with the fundamental knowledge and theories of Chinese language and both Chinese and foreign literature, good writing ability and aesthetic ability as well as preliminary language and literature research ability. By an approach of enhanced basis, widened caliber and prioritized practice, and under the principles of mutually-complementary culture and communication and dual emphases on skills and quality, the discipline aims to develop high-quality interdisciplinary and applied talents, and the graduates are engaged in the mass organizational work in the Party and governmental organs, government-sponsored institutions and enterprises, press and publishing organizations, education and research institutes, trade unions, etc.

Faculty: The school has qualified teachers for excellent teaching quality and its 12 full-time teachers include 2 professors, 5 associate professors and 5 lecturers, 10 of whom have PhD degrees, accounting for 83%. It has another four part-time teachers.

Curriculum setting: The Chinese language and literature discipline offers professional core courses like modern Chinese, ancient Chinese, introduction to linguistics, ancient Chinese literature, modern Chinese literature, contemporary Chinese literature, foreign literature, stylistic writing, literary theory, etc. The professional optional courses include intensive reading of 20+ classic works like The Book of Songs, The Songs of Chu, poetry of Tang Dynasty, Ci poetry of Song Dynasty and A Dream of Red Mansions. Additional courses are also available, including the general studies like introduction to classics and general theory of social science methodology, and many practical courses like calligraphy, public speech, poetry thyme and creation, photography and editing.

Discipline characteristics: Chinese language and literature have a long history and profound cultural heritage. Based on the excellent literary works and literary phenomena at home and abroad and the trinity of literature, history and philosophy, it studies the evolution regularity and theoretical architecture of literature. The mutual support and complementation between the Department of Chinese Language and Literature and another two CULR's departments of journalism and drama, film and television result in the special interdisciplinary features of both classical traditional academic background and the culture and communication function adapted to the needs of the contemporary society.


2. Journalism

Talent cultivation objectives: The journalism discipline of the Department of Journalism and Communication aims to develop talents with humanity and social science quality, devoted professional spirit and solid professional competency. The graduates will have correct value concept, strong sense of social responsibility, scientific way of thinking, solid basic knowledge of humanities and social science, broad international vision and excellent skills of journalism and communication, capable of taking press jobs in all kinds of media as well as information communication jobs in the Party and government organs, government-sponsored institutions and enterprises.

Faculty: The Department of Journalism and Communication has 11 full-time teachers that graduated from famous departments of journalism and communication in Renmin University of China, Communication University of China, etc., including 2 professors and 4 associate professors. Nine of them have PhD degrees, with a proportion of 82%. Many of them once worked in the mainstream media like CCTV, Guangming Daily and Beijing Youth Daily and had visiting experiences to world-renowned universities like Stanford University, Rice University, University of Michigan, University of Westminster, National Chengchi University and City University of Hong Kong.

Curriculum setting: The major professional courses include domestic and foreign history of journalism and communication, introduction to journalism, introduction to communication, press interview, news writing, news editing, news commentary, press photography, photography and editing, radio and television journalism, documentary production, media operation and management, cyber communication practice, advertising, public relations, press laws and ethics, etc. The characteristic courses include public opinion, communication sociology, public speech, aesthetics, etc.

Discipline characteristics: Following the trend of future journalism centered on convergence media, the journalism and communication discipline actively builds a professional curriculum and practical teaching system targeting at the cultivation of thinking, concept and technical ability of media convergence and digital communication. Under the teaching concept of "a broad caliber, a solid foundation and multiple skills" and the philosophy of "being a well-educated communicator and a professional doing communication well", the Department cooperates with the media like Workers' Daily, China Workers Press, wokercn.cn, China.com.cn and people.cn and CULR's organizations like China Workers Audio and Video Press, Culture and Communication Experiment and Teaching Center and Research Institute of Chinese Workers' Public Opinions to proactively explore the effective development path of industry-academy-research integration with disciplinary characteristics.


3. Drama, film and television literature

Talent cultivation objectives: The discipline of drama, film and television literature of the Department of Drama, Film and Television aims to cultivate the interdisciplinary applied talents that have the basic knowledge and theories of drama, film and television literature, and the abilities of script creation, direction and production of drama, film, television and new media works. The graduates can be employed by the media press organizations like television station, film and television company and new media platform and the culture and publicity departments of the Party and government organs, government-sponsored institutions and enterprises and labor unions at all levels, or be engaged in script creation, creative planning, direction and production of drama, film, television and new media works as well as the education and research work in relevant sectors.

Faculty: The Department of Drama, Film and Television now has 16 full-time teachers, mainly young and middle-aged teachers graduating from famous universities such as the Central Academy of Drama, Beijing Film Academy, Beijing Normal University, Communication University of China, Chinese National Academy of Arts, Central Conservatory of Music, Belarusian State Academy of Music and Capital Normal University, covering many first-class disciplines like Chinese language and literature, drama, film and television, theory of art science, music and dance, fine arts and journalism and communication. Among them, 13 teachers hold PhD degrees, with a proportion of 81%. All the backbone teachers have senior titles or PhD degrees with career experience in drama, film, television and new media. The "CULR team of cultivating culture and communication innovation talents" centered on these teachers was rated as "Beijing Excellent Teaching Team".

Curriculum setting: Upholding the teaching concept of focusing on both drama and film & television, the discipline of drama, film and television literature takes the theory of creating drama, film and television scripts as the foundation and the skillful shooting and production of film and television programs as the practice, targets at cultivation of interdisciplinary and applied professionals capable of script creation, editing and direction of drama, film, television and new media, and constantly integrates and optimizes the curriculum system. The major courses include introduction to drama, guide to reading of classic opera works, introduction to film and television, China's film history, foreign film history, audio-visual language, film analysis, drama script creation, film clips script creation, film script creation, television script creation, film clip production, drama film creation, film and television adaptation theory and practice, etc.

Discipline characteristics: :The discipline of drama, film and television literature aims at cultivating "extensive and common applied" talents needed by the drama, film and television sector and online video sector, and concentrates on professional practice teaching and practical skill training. Specifically, under the criteria of "a wider caliber, an enhanced foundation and multiple skills", the teaching program well connects the literary quality and script creation ability of screenwriter with the practical skills of director, and develops the applied talents with both the screenwriting and copywriting abilities of drama, film, television and new media video products and the abilities of preliminary direction and production of film and television works.