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公共管理学院简介及专业介绍-School of Government and its Disciplines




人才培养目标 劳动与社会保障专业培养德智体美劳全面发展,具有公共精神、公共责任和现代人文素养,具备扎实的管理学、经济学、社会学、法学等基本理论和基本知识,掌握劳动与社会保障领域的理论知识、技术与方法,能够从事劳动就业、社会保障、人力资源管理等领域工作的高素质、复合型、应用型专门人才,毕业生适合到各级党政机关、工会组织、企事业单位、社区组织从事管理工作,或者在相关学科领域继续深造。

师资情况 劳动与社会保障专业现有专任教师12人,分别毕业于中国人民大学、中央党校、中国社科院、首都经贸大学,其中教授1人、副教授7人、讲师4人, 具有博士学位教师11人,占教师总数的92%。教师主持国家社科基金、教育部人文社科基金、全国总工会等省部级课题数十项,多项研究报告得到全国人大领导、国务院领导、民政部领导的批示。教师热爱教育事业,关爱学生,多位教师获得学校“教学十佳”和“科研十佳”称号。

课程设置 专业核心课程:管理学原理、西方经济学、社会学概论、公共管理学、公共政策、劳动经济学、社会保障概论、社会保险学、劳动法与社会保障法、人力资源管理、薪酬管理。专业特色课程:国际劳工标准、劳动政策、社会政策、劳动争议处理实务、社会保险实务。

专业特色 劳动与社会保障专业成为“劳动+”、“工会+” 特色学科体系的重要支撑,2020年入选省级一流本科专业建设点。该专业强调理论与实践相结合、基础与前沿相结合、规范与特色相结合、实践教学与理论教学及科学研究相结合,注重培养学生在劳动就业、社会保障、人力资源管理等领域工作的专业能力、实操能力和综合素质。近年来,毕业生就业率平均在在96%以上。


人才培养目标 行政管理专业培养具有马克思主义理论素养和现代公共精神,适应改革开放和社会发展需要,具备行政管理领域基础理论知识、专业技能和公共服务精神的人才,培养能进行政策研究、管理规划、行政立法、行政监察等行政管理工作的高素质、复合型、应用型专门人才和国际化人才。学生毕业后适合到各级党政机关、企事业单位、工会等群团组织、社会组织中从事政策研究和行政管理工作,或在相关科学领域继续深造。

师资情况 行政管理专业现有专职教师8人,其中教授2人,副教授1人,讲师5人,具有博士学位教师7人,占教师总数的88%。行政管理教学团队教师全部毕业于清华大学、中国人民大学、北京师范大学、上海交通大学等知名高校,主持国家社科基金、北京市社科基金、教育部等省部级以上课题多项,科研能力强,成果丰富,团队拥有一定学术影响力。教师教学经验丰富,关爱学生。

课程设置 专业核心课程:政治学原理、管理学原理、公共管理学、西方经济学、中国政府与政治、新制度经济学、行政组织学、地方政府学、公共政策、公共伦理学、领导学、公共部门人力资源管理、公务员制度、政府经济学、比较政治制度、行政法学。专业特色课程:劳动经济学、劳动关系学、劳动政策、薪酬管理、国际劳工标准、劳动争议处理实务、社会对话与三方机制实训。







人才培养目标 政治学与行政学专业培养具有马克思主义理论素养,具备较强的公共精神和服务意识,系统掌握现代政治科学、行政科学基础理论和专业知识,熟悉我国基本政治制度、政府体制及运作过程,具有良好现代政治思维素养、较强政治分析能力、行政管理能力和组织协调能力的高素质、复合型、应用型专门人才。毕业生适合到地方党政机关、民主党派、企事业单位、工会及其他社会组织,从事政策研究、行政管理等方面的工作或在相关专业继续深造。

师资情况 政治学与行政学专业拥有一支学历层次高、爱岗敬业的师资队伍。现有专任教师14人,其中教授3人、副教授4人、讲师7人,拥有博士学位的教师12人,占教师总数的86%。教师主持国家社科基金、教育部人文社会科学基金、北京市社科基金、中华全国总工会等省部级课题数十项,出版专著十多部,在核心期刊发表学术论文几十篇,荣获省部级奖励。教师曾赴美国、新西兰、意大利以及港澳台地区等访学交流,视野开阔。

课程设置 专业核心课程:政治学原理、管理学原理、西方经济学、社会学概论、公共管理学、国际政治学概论、中国政治思想史、中国政治制度史、西方政治制度史、西方政治思想史、中国政府与政治、比较政治制度、外交学导论、公务员制度、公共伦理学。

  专业特色 政治学与行政学专业充分利用有利条件和优势资源,将政府与工会、工人参与、劳动政策、社区治理等内容作为专业特色建设的重点,在教育部规定课程之外,开设劳动政策、社会对话与三方机制、劳动争议处理实务、国际劳工标准、薪酬管理、社区治理等特色课程,提升学生的专业能力和综合素质。为学生提供丰富的对外交流机会:一是选拔优秀学生赴中国人民大学公共管理学院和国际关系学院进行为期一年的专业学习。二是学生有机会赴美国、新加坡、日本、俄罗斯、香港地区、台湾地区等进行专业学习或社会实践活动。三是参加大学生国际论坛,与日本、俄罗斯、白俄罗斯等国青年进行学术交流。

School of Government and its Disciplines

The discipline of public administration of CULR was founded in the early days after the founding of the PRC. The Department of Public Administration was established in 2003 and formally renamed as the School of Government in May 2019.

The School of Government now operates three undergraduate majors, i.e. labor and social security, public administration, and politics and administration science and one postgraduate program of public administration (direction of labor and social security and direction of public governance). It has cultivated a large number of high-quality postgraduate students, grassroots-level public servants and managerial staff of social organizations and enterprises, as well as many successful entrepreneurs.

1. Labor and social security

Talent cultivation objectives: The discipline of labor and social security cultivates high-quality interdisciplinary and applied professionals that receive all-round education of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetics and labor education, maintain the public spirit, public responsibility and modern humanities, gain solid basic theories and knowledge of management science, economics, sociology, law, etc. as well as the theory, knowledge, technique and methodology related with labor and social security. The graduates thus are capable of taking the jobs of labor employment, social security, human resource management, etc., and will be engaged in management work in the Party and governmental organs at all levels, labor unions, government-sponsored institutions and enterprises and community organizations. They can also pursue further study in relevant academic fields.

Faculty: The discipline of labor and social security now has 12 full-time teachers that graduated from Renmin University of China, Party School of the Central Committee of CPC, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Capital University of Economics and Business, including 1 professor, 7 associate professors and 4 lecturers. Eleven of them hold PhD degrees, accounting for 92%. The teachers lead dozens of ministerial and provincial-level research projects supported by the National Social Science Fund of China, the MOE's humanities and social sciences fund and ACFTU, and many research reports have been approved or commented by the leaders of the National People's Congress, the State Council and the Ministry of Civil Affairs. The teachers are devoted to education and care of students. Many of them won the titles of CULR's "top 10 teaching staff" and "top 10 research staff".

Curriculum setting: The major courses include principles of management, western economics, introduction to sociology, public administration, public policies, labor economics, introduction to social security, social insurance, labor law and social security law, human resource management and remuneration management. The characteristic courses include international labor standards, labor policies, social policies, practice of labor dispute settlement and practice of social insurance.

Discipline characteristics: The discipline of labor and social security serves as a pillar of the special curriculum system of "labor +" and "labor union +", and was selected as the provincial-level first-class undergraduate discipline in 2020. It stresses on the combination of theory and practice, the combination of fundamental and cutting-edge knowledge, the combination of norms and characteristics and the combination of practical teaching, theoretical teaching and scientific research, and concentrates on the cultivation of students' professional ability, practical ability and comprehensive quality in labor and employment, social security, human resource management, etc. In the past few years, the average employment rates of graduates were no less than 96%.

2. Public administration

Talent cultivation objectives: The discipline of public administration cultivates the students with Marxist theory basis and modern public spirit and adaptive to the needs of reform and opening-up and social development, the talents with basic theoretical knowledge and professional skills related to public administration and the spirit of public service, and the high-quality interdisciplinary applied professionals and internationalized talents capable of various administrative work such as policy research, administration planning, administrative legislation and administrative supervision. The graduates can be engaged in policy research and public administration in the Party and governmental organs at all levels, government-sponsored institutions and enterprises, mass organizations like labor unions and social organizations, or pursue further study in relevant academic fields.

Faculty: The discipline of public administration now has 8 full-time teachers, including 2 professors, 1 associate professor and 5 lecturers, and 7 of them have PhD degrees, accounting for 88%. All the teachers graduated from renowned universities like Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, Beijing Normal University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, and lead many research projects of ministerial and provincial levels or above supported by the National Social Science Fund of China, Beijing social science fund and the MOE. With outstanding science research capability and fruitful achievements, the team has gained considerable academic influence. The teachers have rich teaching experience and care for students.

Curriculum setting: The major courses include principles of politics, principles of management, public administration, western economics, Chinese government and politics, new institutional economics, administrative organizations, local governments, public policies, public ethics, leadership, human resource management of public sector, civil servant system, government economics, comparative political systems, administrative law, etc. The characteristic courses include labor economics, labor relations, labor policies, remuneration management, international labor standards, practice of labor dispute settlement, practice of social dialog and tripartite mechanism, etc.

Discipline characteristics

(1) Stressing on the combination of theory and practice, the combination of fundamental and cutting-edge knowledge, the combination of norms and characteristics, and the combination of practical teaching, theoretical teaching and scientific research, and concentrating on the cultivation of student's professional ability and comprehensive quality in public sector.

(2) Highlighting the advantage and characteristics of labor unions in running schools, combining administrative management with labor unions and labor, offering characteristic courses like labor policies, social dialog and tripartite mechanism, and cultivating the interdisciplinary talents familiar with the administration rules of public sector and the public affairs of labor unions and labor.

(3) Providing a diversified development platform for students and broadening their horizons: Each year, excellent students are selected to take a one-year course in the School of Public Administration, RUC, and the top students will be organized to take short-term study in overseas universities in the United States, Russia, Singapore and Chinese Hong Kong.

(4) Fully considering the graduates' needs of employment, postgraduate study and studying abroad and providing classified guidance to them.

3. Politics and administration science

Talent cultivation objectives: The discipline of politics and administration science aims to cultivate high-quality interdisciplinary and applied professional talents with Marxist theory basis, strong public spirit and service awareness, systematic understanding of the basic theories and professional knowledge of modern politics science and administration science, familiarization with China's basic political system, government system and operation, good modern political thought, and strong abilities of political analysis, administrative management, organization and coordination. The graduates can be engaged in policy research and administrative management in the local Party and government organs, democratic parties, government-sponsored institutions and enterprises, labor unions and other organizations, or pursue further study in relevant fields.

Faculty: The discipline of politics and administrative science has a well-educated and dedicated teaching staff. The present 14 full-time teachers include 3 professors, 4 associate professors and 7 lecturers, and 12 of them have PhD degrees, with a proportion of 86%. The teachers lead scores of ministerial and provincial-level research projects supported by the National Social Science Fund of China, the MOE's humanities and social sciences fund, Beijing social science fund and ACFTU, published a dozen of monographs and dozens of academic papers on the core journals, and won many ministerial and provincial-level honors and awards. They had visiting and exchange experiences in the United States, New Zealand, Italy, Chinese Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, thus gaining broad visions.

Curriculum setting: The major courses include principles of politics, principles of management, western economics, introduction to sociology, public administration, introduction to international politics, Chinese political thought history, Chinese political system history, western political system history, western political thought history, Chinese government and politics, comparative political systems, introduction to diplomacy, public servant system and public ethics.

Discipline characteristics: The discipline of politics and administration science makes full use of advantageous conditions and resources, focuses on the disciplinary characteristics like government and labor unions, engagement of workers, labor policies and community governance, and offers special courses other than the MOE's required courses, e.g. labor policy, social dialog and tripartite mechanism, practice of labor dispute settlement, international labor standards, remuneration management and community governance, so as to improve students' professional ability and comprehensive quality. Abundant opportunities of international student exchange are available: i. each year, excellent students are selected to take a one-year course in the School of Public Administration and Policy and the School of International Studies, RUC; ii. students have the chance of going to the United States, Singapore, Japan, Russia, Chinese Hong Kong and Taiwan for professional study or social practice; iii. Students have the chance to attend international forums for academic exchanges with the young people from Japan, Russia and the Republic of Belarus.