地点:中国劳动关系学院办公楼3层会议室 北京市海淀区增光路45号
报告会主讲人:Chris Tilly教授,加州大学洛杉矶分校城市管理系教授,劳工和雇佣研究所所长。
报告题目:国家机制是如何决定世界各国零售业中的工作品质的(How national institutions determine job quality in retail around the world)
Chris Tilly教授简介

Chris Tilly, B.A., Biochemistry, Harvard College, 1976, Ph.D., Economics and Urban Studies and Planning, MIT, 1989, Director of UCLA’s Institute for Research on Labor and Employment and Professor in the Urban Planning Department studies labor markets, inequality, urban development, and public policies directed toward better jobs. He is particularly interested in understanding how combinations of institutions and markets generate unequal labor outcomes, and in how public policy and collective action can successfully be directed toward improving and equalizing such outcomes. Within this framework, Professor Tilly has examined part-time and contingent work, gender and racial disparities, job mobility, and other issues. Although most of his research has been focused on the United States, he has traveled frequently to Latin America and the Caribbean over the past 30 years, and has written about development issues and social movements in Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, Haiti, Mexico, and Central America. He has recently broadened his research agenda to include a new emphasis on jobs in Mexico, as well as undertaking comparative analyses with European colleagues.
In addition to conducting scholarly research, he served for 20 years (1986-2006) as editor of Dollars and Sense, a popular economics magazine, and frequently conducts research for advocacy groups, community organizations, and labor unions. He served on the Program Committee and later the Board of Directors of Grassroots International from 1991-2003, ending that time as the Chair of the Board. Before becoming an academic, he spent eight years doing community and labor organizing.