地点:中国劳动关系学院办公楼4层会议室 北京市海淀区增光路45号
报告会演讲人: 澳大利亚莫纳什大学副教授Peter Gahan
Peter Gahan 简介和报告提纲

Associate Professor Peter Gahan., BCom (Hons) UNSW PhD Melbourne Peter Gahan is Associate Professor of Human Resource Management in the Department of Management. He has previously held academic appointments at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, the University of Melbourne, UNSW and Deakin. In 1997 he was Visiting Professor of Australian Studies at the Australian Studies Centre, Otemon Gakuin University, Osaka, Japan, and in 1999-2000 the Australian European University Institute Fellow at the EIU, Florence. He was Director, Workplace Innovation in the Victorian Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development. Peter is also a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Associate Professor Gahan has published widely in HRM and employment relations, including organisational creativity, high performance work systems, cross cultural work values, managing EEO in public sector organisations, union strategy, labour market regulation, and Australian labour law.
Current research interests focus on the role of regulatory arrangements in promoting innovative workplaces and competitiveness or high performance work systems. The first stage of this project involves an investigation of employer use of the new Work Choices legislation. He is also investigating the emergent problem of protecting employment rights in industrialised economies. He is currently completing a large project, funded by the Victorian government, to develop appropriate measures to assess the protection and breaching of employment rights in Victorian workplaces. The multifaceted nature of industrial and workplace issues in today's complex organisational environment requires individuals who are knowledgeable and skilled in analysis and problem solving, bargaining, mediation, advocacy, strategic decision-making, and leadership. Students in the graduate workplace and industrial relations programs gain such knowledge and skills through studying a combination of units facilitated by specialist academic staff in a supportive learning environment.
The program includes core industrial relations, law, and management units to ensure the necessary broad educational foundation. High profile speakers from industry, the public sector, and trade unions are invited to share their expertise and experience with students, thereby demonstrating practical application of classroom learning and promoting industry links and networking opportunities.
Career opportunities
Graduates of the program are now pursuing careers in the private sector, in government agencies and departments, in NGOs, with employer associations, and with trade unions.
Please check the course admission requirements before applying.
Seminar Outline: Models of Union Renewal:- Can Chinese Unions Learn From the West?
Over the last two decades union movements across the western world have experienced a decline in membership, and economic and political influence. In response, unions have experimented with a diverse range of strategies intended to "renewal" or "revitalise" their ability to organise members and influence in the economy. These different models have generated considerable debate and controversy among both scholars and unions themselves. This seminar will provide an overview of these different models of union renewal and considers whether they can provide lessons for Chinese unions operating in the contemporary Chinese economic environment.