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学院外事办  劳动关系系






其英文著作有《中国的民主化》,伦敦:洛特莱爵出版社,1996 年;《中国市民社会的民主意义》,伦敦:麦克米兰和纽约:圣·马克丁出版社,1997年;《民族主义、民族认同和中国民主化》(与郭英杰合作),阿斯吉特出版公司,2000年。

其中文主要著作有《寻找民主与权威之间的平衡:浙江村民选举之经验研究》(与郎友兴合作),华中师范大学出版社,2002 年。其翻译的西方名著有罗尔斯的《正义论》(与何怀宏、廖申白合译),北京:中国社会科学出版社,1988 年。




Dealing with “Trouble-Making” Trade Unions: Wal-Mart’s Different Strategies in China, Mexico, Germany, Canada and the U.S.


Professor He Baogang, chair in international Studies, Deakin University, Australia

Wal-Mart with the 405 billion revenue is on the third place in World’s 500 largest corporations in 2008. One of Wal-Mart’s main competitive advantages is the low cost strategy. From Wal-Mart’s perspective, union presence within its operations would cause a massive blow to its bottom line. Wal-Mart’s has been successful opposed the establishment of trade unions in its organisation in the United States by exploring the weakness of America’s labour laws. American Trade Union Council had tried hard to establish trade unions within Wal-Mart, but had not been able to do so. Surprisingly China had broken the conventional practice of Wal-Mart and had successfully established trade unions across Wal-Mart stores in China. It is puzzling why Wal-Mart workers in China have their unions now whereas million Wal-Mart workers in America didn’t have unions.

Wal-Mart has adopted different strategies of dealing with trade unions. It has successfully blocked the unionization in US, but allowed the unionization in Mexico and China. It adopted “exit” option when it faced a strong active labour in Germany and South Korea. It has closed one unionized store in Canada. Whether Wal-Mart or Trade Union can win the battle in Canada remains to be seen.  In all cases, the story is the same, that is, the victory of global capital power over labour and unions. Behind this victory is the operation of an economic logic, that is, companies make a profit through using cheap labour and resisting unionized well paid labour.