On October 28, the ninth lecture of the "2021 Series of Lectures on Global Labor Market Flexibilization and Digital Economy Employment Regulation", organized by the CULR and co-organized by the Labor Relations Branch of the Chinese Association of Human Resource Development, was held online. Professor Li Yingfang, Vice President of Monash Business School, Distinguished Professor, and Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia, was invited as the main speaker to give a lecture on "The Impact of Digital Gig Work on Human Resource Management". The lecture was chaired by Professor Yan Xiaofei, a member of the the CULR Party Committee Standing Committee and Director of the Department of Scientific Research, with more than 210 experts, scholars, and students from inside and outside the CULR attending online.
During the lecture, Professor Li Yingfang defined and outlined the concept of "gig work," clarified the relationships among various stakeholders in gig work, and explored the impact of digital gig work on human resource management from the perspective of platform work on the organization of human resource management and workers by the platform. She pointed out that current research on human resource management mainly focuses on strategic human resource management, high-performance work practices, and employee behavior, with a narrow scope and limited methods. She suggested further expanding the analytical framework of human resource management, exploring a comprehensive research framework for gig employment, and proposing three reflections on the paradigm of human resource management research: first, to engage in theoretical innovation and develop macro theoretical analysis to broaden the research scope framework; second, to discuss human resource management strategy choices from the perspective of the gig economy; and third, to leverage institutional actors in reshaping human resource management practices and outcomes.
During the discussion session, Associate Professor Yue Ling from the School of Labor Relations and Human Resources at the CULR respectively discussed the transition and expansion of human resource management research from a micro perspective to a macro perspective under the gig economy model, and the framework and content of human resource management research. She introduced the current research on the gig economy in China from the perspective of the concept, characteristics, and research directions of new employment forms, and compared and analyzed the characteristics of gig work in China and abroad. In the interactive session, the audience engaged in in-depth discussions with Professor Li Yingfang on topics such as breaking through the boundaries of human resource management research frameworks, identifying the entry points for human resource management research, and citing reference sources.
In the concluding remarks, Professor Yan Xiaofei expressed gratitude for Professor Li Yingfang's excellent lecture. She pointed out that based on years of theoretical research and practical experience, Professor Li Yingfang had formed a very deep academic foundation and made rich academic achievements. This lecture brought the latest developments in international human resource management research to the audience, greatly broadening their research perspectives and demonstrating cutting-edge and forward-looking insights.
Li Yingfang, Ph.D. from the University of Manchester, is currently the Vice President and Distinguished Professor of Monash Business School, and a fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. She has previously served as a professor at the Business School of the University of Manchester and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Management at RMIT University in Australia. She also serves as an associate editor for prestigious academic journals such as the International Business Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, and Asian Business and Management. In 2016, she was a visiting professor at the University of Göttingen under the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Her research interests include Asian human resource management and labor relations, strategic human resource management, knowledge management and innovation, outsourcing, international human resource management, gender studies, diversity and inclusive management, employment relations, immigration studies, digitization, and its impact on employment and human resource management. She has published over 120 academic papers and more than 60 chapters in academic books, many of which are included in top academic journals such as the Journal of Management Studies, Human Resource Management, British Journal of Industrial Relations, Human Relations, Journal of World Business, Journal of Business Research, Human Resource Management Journal, and International Journal of Human Resource Management. She was awarded the Dean's Excellence in Research Award and the Dean's Excellence in Research Award for the Principles of Responsible Management Education at Monash Business School in 2011 and 2018 respectively.
(International Office of Cooperation and Exchange)